Fill up energy

The problem with city living is that it's so energy-consuming. City life is exhausting. The problem with that, in turn, is that our energy level drops. It is very important to regularly recharge the energy level.
Masesselin is a place
- which invites you to do exactly that,
- where you can't escape from it,
- where you will find optimal conditions for regeneration.
The farm is uniquely located in a nature reserve on the banks of the river Doubs. The Doubs is one of the few rivers in Switzerland that meanders freely through the countryside. This landscape is the Jura, a mighty primeval landscape. Incredibly impressive is every stay at the river. Many hiking trails amaze again and again with totally new impressions. Surrounded by forests, Masesselin is an island of silence: all you hear here is silence .... and nature. You will start dreaming, it is a bit like being on another planet. Like in a Tibetan singing bowl, Masesselin is located in a very wide, deep valley. The noise and all the bad radiations pass over it at the top, and at the bottom all the good energies swing back and forth from one bank to the other. By the way, this is also an electrosmog-free, "white" zone. We are fortunate to have no cell phone reception here, and each visitor must deposit his or her cell phone in the electro-armored safe upon arrival.
The rates are :
- Breakfast +8 Frs.
- Lunch +10 Frs.
- Supper +20 Frs.
We offer three options for our guests :
- The health cocoon (tinyhouse made of straw and clay) with bed 50 Frs.
- The studio with own shower, 2-3 beds, toilet and small cooking facilities 80 Frs.
- campsite 10Frs per person
In the garden vegetables and salads may be harvested. It is also possible to pitch tents.


Durch seine Alleinlage ist der Bauernhof auch super geeignet grosse Feste durchzuführen. Ein grosser Baumkreis auf der Wiese leitet zu unvergesslichen Ritualen ein. Speziell Hochzeitsfeste mit bis zu 100 Teilnehmern waren in der Vergangenheit grosse Erfolge. Es können grosse Festzelte aufgestellt werden. Auf Wunsch werden Bankette, Fondues, Firmananlässe etc angeboten.